Family Matters

Yes, it does, doesn't it. For the time being most of this is just a collection of snaps.


Other pages

Holiday snaps from summer 1999 - How an intrepid family roamed Tohoku, surviving subtropical heat, mosquitos (Keiko), and a thunderstorm.

Impressions of England and Wales, 2000

The 'annual' family letter

If you know me, you're welcome to read these duplicated letters. If you don't, I can't imagine you'd find them interesting.

New Year 2001 With record-breaking lateness, I wrote this year's duplicated family letter on 2nd January 2001.
New Year 2000 Written on Christmas Day, 1999
New Year 1999 Written in mid-December, 1998.
New Year 1996 Written mid-December, 1995, the year we went to Hokkaido.

Vaguely family-related pages

Sano piano festival 1998
Sano piano festival 1999


Snaps through the ages

Aki, 1994 Aki, in the garden 1994
Keiko, Himachal Pradesh, 1981 Keiko, 1981
Ian, 1987 Ian, Arenig Fawr 1987
Aki playing soccer with John and Tomo, December 1999 Footie, 1999
Aki+Tomo Aki and Tomo - "Important things", January 2000
2002-02-22: At last! Ian set off today for Auckland University, where he says he is going to study physics. My grateful thanks to all those people - literally around the world - who offered help and advice, whether on a large scale or small, to make this possible.

Aki - Terry - Ian
